Planas Research Lab

Planas Research Lab

Queen Mary University of London


Queen Mary University of London

Mile End Road

London E1 4NS 


Dr. Oriol Planas

Oriol Planas was born in La Jonquera, a border town located in north Catalunya. He graduated in chemistry in 2012 from the University of Girona and performed MSc studies under the supervision of Dr. Miquel Costas and Dr. Anna Company, studying the chemistry of high-valent iron-oxo compounds.  In 2013, he started pursuing doctoral studies in the group of Dr. Xavi Ribas and Dr. Anna Company. During this period, he focused his research on unveiling the intricacies of the fundamental steps of cobalt-catalyzed C–H activation transformations. In 2016, he moved to Irvine (CA, USA) for a scientific stay in the laboratory of Prof. Vy M. Dong.


After obtaining his PhD in 2018, he moved to Germany, where he joined the group of Dr. Josep Cornellà (Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung) as a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow. In Mülheim an der Ruhr, he worked on the development of organic transformations based on the redox properties of bismuth.


In November 2021 he was appointed as a Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at Queen Mary University of London, where he develops catalytic methods based on earth-abundant d- and p-block elements.

Awards and Honors


New Investigator Award from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Council (EP/X019306/1).


Royal Society Research Grant from The Royal Society (RGS\R1\221326).


Thieme Chemistry Journal Award from Thieme Editorial (Synlett, Synthesis and Synfacts).


Finalist XIII SUSCHEM Best Publication Award from SusChem-Spain (Investiga).


Young Researcher Award (Postdoc) from Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ).


Best Ph.D. in Chemistry (2018) from the University de Girona, Spain.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Union (ID: 833361, BiREDOX).


Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral research fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation.


Short stay travel grant from the FPU-MECD programme from the Ministry of Education of Spain.


FPU  predoctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Education of Spain.


AAD collaboration fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR) for master students


Xavier Gironés Fellowship for undergraduate students from the Universitat de Girona.